Nasal imperfections can vary from subtle deformities (humps, bumps and drooping) to more severe structural deviations. Dermal Fillers with hyaluronic acid can be a simple and effective treatment to improve subtle deformities.

Nose Correction

Nasal imperfections can vary from subtle nose deformities (humps, bumps and drooping) to more severe structural deviations.

Dermal Fillers with hyaluronic acid can be a simple and effective nose correction treatment to improve subtle deformities. The smallest amount of Dermal Fillers can make a big difference to the shape of your nose and has been very successful in less severe cases! Severe nasal deformities which cannot be improved with non-surgical treatments will, however, require surgical referral for nose surgery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers have been used for many years. They are substances that can be injected into the deeper layers of the skin to replace lost collagen and plump the underlying tissues. Many of these fillers have however caused adverse reactions and therefore scientists have searched for a filler that would be effective yet not negatively react within the body. Hyaluronic Acid is a sugar found in human tissues. Some of your body’s Hyaluronic Acid is used as shock absorber and lubricant for your joints, however most are found in your skin, where it offers support to the connective tissues.

Injected Hyaluronic Acid is therefore a natural substance found in the skin, and besides adding volume, it also delivers nutrients to the skin to retain moisture, resulting in softer, plumper skin. Hyaluronic Acid is therefore the filler of choice for many doctors worldwide since it is unlikely that anyone will have an allergic reaction; it is stable and injects smoothly.

How Long Does Nose Correction With Dermal Fillers Last?

The full results of your nose correction treatment may take up to 14 days to take full effect and will last for an average of 12 – 18 months, depending on the condition of your skin, area treated, amount of product injected, injection technique and lifestyle factors such as sun exposure and smoking.

How Do I Choose The Best Nose Correction Procedure?

Always start with a professional consultation with qualified and experienced specialists for an in-depth analysis of your facial features and to reach a good understanding of your skincare concerns and goals.

Our unique and comprehensive aesthetic couture consultation is available for you to discuss and analyse your nose correction concerns and goals and for our team of specialists to provide bespoke advice.

Schedule your aesthetic couture consultation today!