Dr Nerina Wilkinson has a special interest in a holistic 3-dimensional approach to restoration of the eyes. Her EYELight360TM has been developed through her years of experience as a plastic surgeon.

EYELight360 Blepharoplasty

Dr Nerina Wilkinson has a special interest in a holistic 3-dimensional approach to restoration of the eyes. Her EYELight360TM has been developed through her years of experience as a plastic surgeon. This technique holistically rejuvenates and volumises the peri-orbital area as a complete unit to create harmonious results. This is in contrast to previous surgical techniques that rely on a 1-dimensional approach of only removing sagging eyelid skin, which often left patients looking hollower and more skeletonised.

When your eyes stand out your whole face appears to be brighter and fresher. Accomplished Make-Up Artists are able to achieve a radiant look using specific techniques. Perfectly placed contouring make-up using highlighters and concealers can instantly open the look of your eyes, define your face and create symmetry, providing an instant eye lift.

Beauty is lights and shadows; to achieve the most natural rejuvenation of the eye, Dr Nerina Wilkinson has used these principles and applied them to her 360 approach to peri-orbital rejuvenation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Included In The EYELight360?

The EYELight360 is one of the most life changing procedures for most of her patients wanting a natural rejuvenating eye lift. This procedure utilizes 5 techniques that work in synergy to create harmonious results.

Who Is The Ideal Candidate For The EYELight360?

Typical features of facial aging include changes in skin pigmentation, increased skin laxity, rhytid formation and volume loss. The delicate peri-orbital region is particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging based on intrinsic properties of these tissues and is therefore an extremely complex area to treat.

Most patients believe that they look tired due to excess upper eyelid skin, however, on close examination the most common problem is loss of volume in the areas surrounding the upper eyelid. These changes can be visible from the early 30’s. As we age the concavities of the temples, upper eyelid sulcus, forehead, tear troughs and cheeks cast deeper shadows, resulting in our eyes losing their youthful appearance which is usually defined by soft curves and volume.

The EYELight360TM is therefore ideal for any patient interested in eyelid surgery and who want to holistically maintain the natural youthful contours of the eye area.

How Is The EYELight360 Performed?

This 360 degree eyelid surgery procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and oral sedation in a sterile operating room.

The EYELight360TM is a bespoke treatment which means that the sequence of procedures would only be determined after Dr Wilkinson has assessed the per-orbital area.

Firstly, the hooding of the upper eyelid skin is addressed with an Upper Blepharoplasty. The incision for the upper eyelid is hidden in the upper lid crease. Dr Wilkinson then removes skin and/or fat from the eyelid, tightening the skin as the wound is stitched closed.

The most important step of the procedure is replacing the volume in a 360-degree approach creating youthful, soft contours that lift and illuminate the whole face.

A small syringe is utilized to suction the subcutaneous fat of the abdomen, knees or medial thigh area; these are donor sites with high stem cell concentrations and contents.

The fat is then purified using specialised techniques to create lipografts and nano fat.

Secondly, a multi-plane technique precisely transplants the fat and stem cells to the peri-orbital area at different levels and layers to improve orbital contours and create an uplifting effect. Finally the nano fat is layered very superficially under the skin, harnessing the potential of the rich stem cells to improve skin quality.

The last surgical procedure is CO2RE Factional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing. Essentially, the upper layers of the skin are vaporised, removing the superficial skin layers. This direct photothermal effect therefore removes the dull upper layers of the skin, stimulates new collagen and enhances the survival of the fat injections. This leaves the targeted area of the lower eyelid skin feeling tighter and rejuvenated.

The final touch in the procedure is the injection of Muscle Relaxing Injections to relax the depressor muscles that contact the peri-orbital area. This results in a wide, uplifted and relaxed peri-orbital complex surrounding the eyelids.

The EYELight360TM creates a complete peri-orbital rejuvenation and uplifting effect, replenishing youthful contours while improving the quality of the skin for a real 360 approach to modern eyelid surgery. As stem cells are nature’s way to regenerate new cells in targeted areas, the results are noticeable in a firmer and more youthful appearance of the eyes.

How Long Is The Recovery After EYELight360 Blepharoplasty?

The recovery time for this modern eyelid surgery procedure varies per patient and procedure. Upper eyelid sutures are removed on day 7 post surgery. Most patients can expect swelling and redness for 7-10 days afterwards, however, most patients require up to 3 weeks for full recovery and might require cover make-up for the resurfaced skin for up to 6 weeks post procedure.

The advantage of this procedure is that the results are more permanent and the stem cells in the fat have regenerative potential. An EYELight360TM procedure is therefore indicated for patients looking for a once off treatment to improve tired eyes rather than multiple less invasive rejuvenating treatments.

How Long Do The Results Of An EYELight360 Last?

For many people, these results are permanent. Your satisfaction with your EYELight360 eyelid surgery is likely to be greater if you understand the procedure thoroughly and if your expectations are realistic.

How Do I Choose The Best Eyelid Surgery Procedure For Me?

Today, regenerative medicine is an exciting field with the potential to change our conventional surgical approaches in facial rejuvenation. Beautification naturally is the future, and due to the significant results of the EYELight360 Blepharoplasty, this procedure has become a gold standard in Dr Nerina Wilkinson’s practice.

To see if this is the best cosmetic surgery procedure for you, always start with a professional consultation with qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon for an in-depth analysis of your facial features and to reach a good understanding of your skincare concerns and goals.

Dr Nerina Wilkinson’s unique and comprehensive surgical consultation is available for you to discuss and analyse your concerns and goals and for her (together with her team of specialists) to provide bespoke advice.

Schedule your facial cosmetic surgery consultation today! 




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The Cosmetic Surgery Team

She specialises in Eye Rejuvenation & Restoration

Specialist in bespoke eye-face restoration and rejuvenation. Dr Wilkinson uses her deep understanding of anatomy and her artistic eye to pioneer her trademarked Signature facial rejuvenation Procedures which include:  Eyelight360TM and Stemcell4DLift™TM

About Dr Nerina Wilkinson FCS (Plast SA)

 Dr Wilkinson is considered the “go to” expert for patients seeking a highly personalized bespoke facial rejuvenation treatment plan. She takes her clients on an ultimate curated journey to beauty and confidence.

patient looking in the mirror

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