Why Eyelid Surgery Is Not Just For Mature Patients

Why Eyelid Surgery Is Not Just For Mature Patients

by Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Expert, Dr Nerina Wilkinson

As a plastic surgeon, my journey has been marked by the evolving landscape of aesthetic procedures. One striking transformation is the shifting demographics of eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, which has long been associated with the more “mature” population. Today, I am excited to explore a trend that challenges the common misconception that eyelid surgery is exclusively reserved for more mature patients.

In recent times, I have witnessed a surge in younger individuals seeking blepharoplasty in my practice. Contrary to historical norms, where this procedure was linked to the over-60s, it has now become a prominent choice among a diverse age range. In 2020, eyelid surgery secured its place as the second most-performed procedure worldwide, trailing only behind rhinoplasty, according to data from the Plastic Surgery Association.

The obvious reasons behind this paradigm shift are factors such as the Zoom effect and the impact of the COVID era on shaping contemporary beauty ideals.

However, there are also more multifaceted benefits of eyelid surgery across various age groups. driving individuals in their 20s and 30s to consider this transformative procedure. From the influence of makeup trends on decision-making to the growing awareness among men during countless Zoom meetings, we’ll unravel the diverse motivations.

Join me on this journey as we redefine the narrative around blepharoplasty and celebrate the newfound inclusivity in cosmetic enhancements.


Eyelid surgery, medically known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the eyelids. This transformative surgery addresses issues such as excess skin, sagging, or puffiness around the eyes, aiming to create a more youthful and rejuvenated look. Individuals often choose to undergo eyelid surgery for various reasons, ranging from cosmetic concerns to functional improvements. Common motivations include reducing the appearance of tired or droopy eyes, eliminating under-eye bags, and enhancing overall facial aesthetics.

The typical process of eyelid surgery involves making discreet incisions along the natural creases of the eyelids, allowing for minimal scarring. The surgeon then removes excess skin, fat, and, if necessary, tightens the underlying muscles. This meticulous approach results in a smoother, more defined eyelid contour. Patients can expect improved vision, reduced signs of aging, and a refreshed facial appearance, making eyelid surgery a popular and relatively “easy” choice for those seeking both aesthetic enhancement and functional benefits.


Dispelling myths surrounding eyelid surgery is paramount to unveiling its true potential for individuals across all age groups. By debunking misconceptions that this procedure is solely reserved for the more mature, we open the door to a comprehensive understanding of its benefits for people of all ages.

This blog seeks to shed light on the diverse motivations behind seeking eyelid surgery, from cosmetic enhancements to functional improvements. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of the procedure, you will gain an appreciation for how eyelid surgery can profoundly impact your quality of life and self-perception, transcending age barriers.

By fostering a deeper understanding, we empower individuals to make informed decisions about their aesthetic journey, embracing the transformative possibilities that eyelid surgery offers for people at every stage of life.

Eyelid surgery can improve vision

Eyelid surgery, beyond its cosmetic allure, can significantly improve vision for individuals of all ages by addressing functional concerns. The removal of excess skin during the procedure plays a crucial role in enhancing peripheral vision, offering unexpected benefits that extend beyond aesthetic enhancements. Patients frequently express surprise at the notable improvement in their vision, particularly when driving. The removal of sagging skin reduces the risk of dangerous peripheral blind spots, contributing to a safer and more comfortable experience on the road.

Consider my friend Mark, a dentist who underwent eyelid surgery not solely for a refreshed appearance but to combat the constant heaviness of his upper lids during his day in his dental practice. Mark’s experience underscores the broader impact of eyelid surgery, highlighting its role in alleviating functional issues and enhancing daily activities. This dual benefit, combining aesthetic improvements with enhanced vision, exemplifies the advantages eyelid surgery offers individuals seeking both cosmetic enhancement and functional relief.

Eyelid surgery can correct hooded eyelids in people of all ages

Hooded upper eyelids, traditionally associated with aging, are not exclusive to the elderly; they can affect individuals of all ages due to a combination of genetic predispositions and environmental factors. While aging is a common contributor, the emergence of hooded lids can also be influenced by genetics and lifestyle choices like smoking. Even in younger patients, early signs of hooding may manifest as puffiness caused by excess fat and skin.

Eyelid surgery, particularly upper blepharoplasty, emerges as a transformative solution to correct hooded eyelids, offering a lifted and more awake appearance. In cases where patients are at the onset of mild hooding, alternative options such as radiofrequency-based procedures or Ablative CO2 laser can provide benefits akin to a traditional blepharoplasty but on a smaller scale. This approach triggers a healing cascade, stimulating collagen and elastin production for gradual tightening of the upper eyelids over time.

Encouragingly, addressing hooded eyelids early aligns with the current trend favouring the natural look. This approach allows for a more gradual aging process, preserving facial harmony and avoiding an overdone appearance. Cautioning against overly aggressive procedures, I always recommend that younger patients seek the minimal amount of surgery necessary. This is key to achieving desired results without compromising the authenticity of one’s features.

Understanding that each patient is unique, this approach ensures that eyelid surgery, whether surgical or non-surgical, is tailored to individual needs, preventing an exaggerated “skeletonised look“ around the eyes or an unnatural outcome.

Eyelid surgery can address eye bags

The demand for “eye bag removal surgery” among young adults seeking to eliminate under-eye puffiness has seen a notable rise. While temporary nonsurgical solutions like dermal fillers exist, lower eyelid surgery stands out for its enduring benefits. Younger patients increasingly opt for the precision and longevity provided by lower eyelid surgery in addressing persistent under-eye bags.

Unlike temporary fixes, which may require frequent maintenance, lower eyelid surgery offers a comprehensive and lasting solution. This surge in interest reflects a shifting perception of eyelid surgery as a viable and effective option for enhancing the youthful appearance of the eyes, emphasizing the desire for results that go beyond mere camouflage.

Eyelid surgery can correct ptosis (drooping eyelids)

Blepharoplasty extends its transformative reach beyond cosmetic enhancements, emerging as a key solution for correcting ptosis, or drooping eyelids. Ptosis correction not only contributes to a more youthful appearance but also addresses functional concerns, significantly enhancing vision and facial symmetry. Beyond the aesthetic benefits, the procedure involves repositioning or tightening the eyelid muscles to elevate the drooping lids, thereby improving the patient’s field of vision and restoring facial balance.

For optimal and natural-looking outcomes in ptosis correction, the expertise of a specialized ophthalmologic surgeon is paramount. A skilled surgeon ensures precision in addressing both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the condition, emphasizing the importance of selecting a qualified professional to navigate the delicate intricacies of eyelid surgery.

This emphasis on specialized care reinforces the commitment to achieving results that extend beyond cosmetic improvements, encompassing enhanced functionality and overall facial harmony.

Eyelid surgery can help create natural-looking creases

Double eyelid surgery, particularly popular among individuals of Asian descent, introduces a natural-looking crease in the upper eyelids. Beyond catering to cultural preferences, this procedure has gained traction among those seeking to define and contour their eyelids. While the primary objective is to establish an eyelid crease, the surgery goes beyond mere aesthetics. It involves meticulous techniques to address excess fat or puffiness, enhancing eyelid definition for a refreshed and harmonious appearance.

The appeal of double eyelid surgery lies not only in its ability to create a subtle and natural crease but also in its comprehensive approach to eyelid refinement. By removing excess fat and puffiness, the procedure not only achieves the desired crease but also contributes to a more defined and aesthetically pleasing upper eyelid contour. This dual functionality has propelled the popularity of double eyelid surgery, marking it as a sought-after choice for those seeking both cultural alignment and enhanced eyelid aesthetics.


Eyelid surgery emerges as a versatile solution catering to individuals of diverse ages and backgrounds, driven by a myriad of motivations. People across different stages of life consider this procedure, whether for personal preferences, addressing inherited traits, mitigating age-related changes, or purely aesthetic reasons. Younger individuals may seek eyelid surgery to address inherited traits like hooded lids or under-eye puffiness, aiming for a more rejuvenated appearance. On the other hand, those in later stages of life may opt for the procedure to counteract the effects of aging, such as drooping or sagging eyelids.

This transformative procedure is one of my favourite procedures simply because of the satisfaction and enhanced self-esteem that this relatively “small” procedure brings to all my patients.


In conclusion, eyelid surgery is not restricted to older individuals; it’s increasingly popular among younger patients for various reasons. From correcting inherited traits like hooded or sagging eyelids to addressing under-eye bags, improving facial symmetry, or you are just not able to apply your eye makeup as demonstrated in the most recent TikTok viral makeup guide,  individuals of all ages find value in this versatile procedure. To ensure optimal results, consulting with a specialized plastic surgeon is crucial. Eyelid surgery needs to be tailor-made to meet your unique aesthetic or functional needs, enhancing both appearance and quality of life.

If you’re curious to learn more about cosmetic procedures, don’t miss our article on “5 of the Best Eyelid Rejuvenation Options and their Results” for a comprehensive understanding of eyelid treatment possibilities. If you’re considering eyelid surgery, I invite you to contact us for a personalized consultation. Discover how this transformative procedure can be customized to benefit you specifically and “open your eyes” to a refreshed and more rejuvenated you.

by Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Surgery Expert, Dr Nerina Wilkinson