By Dr. Marisa Heyns
Mesotherapy is a medical injection technique that dates back to the late 50s when it was originally used as part of traditional medicine to treat all sorts of medical ailments and conditions. Small doses of allopathic and homeopathic medicines were injected into the superficial layers of the skin by means of multiple tiny skin pricks from where it would slowly be absorbed by the body to achieve its intended result.
Fast forward a few decades, and in the world of aesthetic medicine, our aesthetic forefathers realised the potential skin-boosting benefit of this technique and what it could do to improve the quality of our skin!
Table of contents
- How does Mesotherapy for skin rejuvenation work?
- What types of Mesotherapy treatments are available?
- What skin conditions can Mesotherapy treat?
- The difference between Mesotherapy and Microneedling?
- How effective is Mesotherapy for skin rejuvenation?
- Who is the ideal candidate for Mesotherapy?
- What is the best age to get Mesotherapy treatments?
- How long do Mesotherapy results last?
- Mesotherapy safety and recovery
- How to prepare for a Mesotherapy treatment
- Which Mesotherapy treatment should I get?
How does Mesotherapy for skin rejuvenation work?
Think of a slow-release medicated skin patch such as a “Transact” for your back. The skin acts as a reservoir that can hold onto active ingredients and slowly release them into the body to have positive therapeutic benefits. The benefit of this ability allows us to treat the skin with small amounts of skin boosters, active ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, peptides, and growth factors (the list goes on), which will stay within the dermis long enough to be taken up by skin cells to be used for its benefit and to produce a better functioning and great looking skin.
What types of Mesotherapy treatments are available?
There is a multitude of treatment options available. At the end of the day, Mesotherapy describes the technique of injection; the choice of ingredient or the device used depends on the indication and desired result.
Traditional Mesotherapy techniques started out to be small pinpoint injections at various depths with variable volumes. The most popular one is called Nappage – multiple superficial skin pricks made with a teeny tiny needle attached to a syringe filled with all the goodness your skin desires. At Dr Nerina Wilkinson + Associates, Mesotherapy techniques are featured in a few of our signature treatments:
3D MD PRP (the Dr Vampire) – where we inject your own growth factor-filled platelet-rich plasma anywhere you’d like really (face, neck, scalp, and even downstairs)
Mesoglow – where we combine traditional Nappage with a superficial chemical peel to provide radiantly good-looking skin.
In fact, any treatment that uses a device to insert ingredients into the skin is derived from Mesotherapy (such as with our GFIT stamping treatment, superficial microneedling, and Aquagold). We can even inject Botulinum Toxin into the skin using Mesotherapy.
Which skin conditions can Mesotherapy treat?
Mesotherapy can be used to treat all sorts of skin conditions more specifically: the sun damaged, pigmented, and neglected. Essentially, skins with barriers that have taken a serious knock. Think dry, dehydrated, inflamed, and sensitive skin, too fragile to withstand any (even well-intended) skin injury (chemical peels or collagen induction treatments), and in serious need of some R and R.
On the flip side, Mesotherapy can be used as an adjunctive treatment to a more ‘damaging treatment’ such as a deep chemical peel, IPL, or laser. My belief is always this, if you are planning to damage the skin in any way to improve its appearance, you need to ensure that you feed it at the same time, to get the best results. If you plan to break it down, you also have to build it up!
The difference between Mesotherapy and Microneedling
Where traditional microneedling focuses on creating small and controlled micro-injuries to activate repair and hence collagen induction, Mesotherapy aims to nourish and stimulated or feeding treatment that does not file the pathway of wounding or tissue repair.
How effective is Mesotherapy for skin rejuvenation?
Mesotherapy can be highly effective in achieving desirable results especially when it comes to improving the barrier and functioning of the skin. Compare this technique to the application of a serum or cream with active ingredients. With the topical application of ingredients, only about 20% (if you are lucky) of the actual ingredient can penetrate into the skin to the desired level to perform a function. With mesotherapy, one can achieve close to 100% delivery of the active ingredient to do its magic. Effective enough?
However, as with any treatment, it is not a once-off and forever results (that, by the way, does not exist). Generally, we advise treatment sessions of 3 – 5 sessions 2 – 4 weeks apart depending on the active ingredient of course.
Who is the ideal candidate for Mesotherapy?
Anyone seeking rejuvenated, and healthy skin will benefit from mesotherapy. Whether it is wanting a hydration skin boost, or a more even skin tone, improved pigmentation, or a healthy skin barrier. At the end of the day, Mesotherapy treatments will result in radiantly glowing skin.
What is the best age to get Mesotherapy treatments?
Mesotherapy has no age limit, however, the younger we are, the better we tend to respond to treatments in general. It might just mean that you may need more or less frequent treatments in order to see results.
How long do Mesotherapy results last?
Results last depending on the choice of active ingredient(s) used, the number of sessions, and the current skin condition. Think of Mesotherapy as ‘medication for the skin’ Results will be maintained for as long as we nourish the skin with goodness. The best aesthetic and skin results as we know, are when we look at using a combination of treatments that a specific to your skincare concern
Mesotherapy safety and recovery
Besides a little bit of discomfort, which can be abated by applying a little bit of topical numbing, and the unfortunate spot bruise that might occur even in the best of hands, mesotherapy is a remarkably safe treatment with little to no downtime with very fast recovery times (1 – 2 days).
However, as minimally invasive as it is, Mesotherapy treatments still create a break within the skin barrier, and hence we need to ensure that the skin surface remains clean and protected. We, therefore, advise on the following:
For the first 2 days following a mesotherapy treatment refrain from any unprotected and prolonged sun exposure. Avoid any practices that would involve possible contamination or irritation of the skin, exercise and sweat, swimming (sea and pool), saunas. Allow the skin barrier to heal before applying any potently active ingredients such as retinols or strong active serums (alpha-hydroxy acids) and where you can avoid heavy makeup and foundation. This will just be for a few days.
Sometimes active ingredients may stimulate the skin more than expected and this may produce a little bit of prolonged redness which generally disappears within 24 hours.
It is also important to tell your therapist about any medical conditions and allergies you suffer from, as this is crucial in choosing the correct ingredients for your skin.
How to prepare for a Mesotherapy treatment
There is no preparation work to be done before your treatment, in fact, Mesotherapy can be a treatment that can actually help prepare your skin for a more invasive treatment such as a chemical peel. Ideally, however, we strongly advise you to be on the correct homecare prior to any treatment, to achieve the best results.
And this might sound silly, but ladies, do not plan a dinner with your criticising mother-in-law, or a meet-up with an ex on the day when you have to look your best. Be kind to yourself, and allow your skin to heal before attending any social event that might make you feel uncomfortable.
Which Mesotherapy treatment should I get?
As mentioned, Mesotherapy is the technique, and the desired outcome from a Mesotherapy treatment depends largely on the choice of ingredients, and this depends on the needs of your skin. We therefore strongly recommend that all of our clients pay a visit to one of our highly experienced skin care therapists for a VISIA analysis, which enables us to properly assess your skin’s condition and to best recommend the way forward in giving you healthy radiant-looking skin.
And so there you have it, Mesotherapy should be part of any comprehensive aesthetic journey. Your skin is a living organ, it needs the best nourishment possible to function optimally, and what better way to ensure that you get ALL of the goodness directly into the skin where it is needed!
Email us via to request your consultation and start your journey to your most radiant skin ever.
Written by Dr. Marisa Heyns